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ID.4 Launch

At the beginning of the pandemic, we were asked to help Volkswagen America launch the ID.4, their very first electric SUV, in the states... while we were in Canada. The hardest part? Spelling things the American way, eh?

Taos Tacos

In 2021, Volkswagen launched its smallest SUV yet, the Taos. But once it was out there, we noticed people were getting the named mixed up with. . . tacos? So, we made a fun social response to show that while Tacos are amazing, so is Taos.

We also wanted to create limited time make-your-own taco kits with the shells shaped like a Taos and give them out to lucky VW owners/taco lovers. Volkswagen didn't love it as much as we did though, which is highly suspect because Tacos are obviously amazing.